Top Cited Papers: ICCV 2019

Searching for MobileNetV3Andrew Howard;Mark Sandler;Bo Chen;Weijun Wang;Liang-Chieh Chen;Mingxing Tan;Grace Chu;Vijay Vasudevan;Yukun Zhu;Ruoming Pang;Hartwig Adam;Quoc LePublication Year: 2019,Page(s):1314 – 1324Cited by: Papers (789) FCOS: Fully Convolutional One-Stage Object DetectionZhi Tian;Chunhua Shen;Hao Chen;Tong HePublication Year: 2019,Page(s):9626 – 9635Cited by: Papers (783) CenterNet: Keypoint Triplets for Object DetectionKaiwen Duan;Song Bai;Lingxi Xie;Honggang Qi;Qingming Huang;Qi TianPublication Year: 2019,Page(s):6568 – 6577Cited…… Continue reading Top Cited Papers: ICCV 2019

Top Cited Papers: ICCV 2017

Mask R-CNNKaiming He;Georgia Gkioxari;Piotr Dollár;Ross GirshickPublication Year: 2017,Page(s):2980 – 2988Cited by: Papers (7582) Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation Using Cycle-Consistent Adversarial NetworksJun-Yan Zhu;Taesung Park;Phillip Isola;Alexei A. EfrosPublication Year: 2017,Page(s):2242 – 2251Cited by: Papers (5193) Focal Loss for Dense Object DetectionTsung-Yi Lin;Priya Goyal;Ross Girshick;Kaiming He;Piotr DollárPublication Year: 2017,Page(s):2999 – 3007Cited by: Papers (4736) Grad-CAM: Visual Explanations from Deep…… Continue reading Top Cited Papers: ICCV 2017

Top Cited Papers: ICCV 2015

Fast R-CNNRoss GirshickPublication Year: 2015,Page(s):1440 – 1448Cited by: Papers (9144) | Patents (75) Delving Deep into Rectifiers: Surpassing Human-Level Performance on ImageNet ClassificationKaiming He;Xiangyu Zhang;Shaoqing Ren;Jian SunPublication Year: 2015,Page(s):1026 – 1034Cited by: Papers (6299) | Patents (18) Learning Spatiotemporal Features with 3D Convolutional NetworksDu Tran;Lubomir Bourdev;Rob Fergus;Lorenzo Torresani;Manohar PaluriPublication Year: 2015,Page(s):4489 – 4497Cited by: Papers…… Continue reading Top Cited Papers: ICCV 2015

Person Re-ID Datasets

To evaluate a PReID method, some factors must be taken into account to reach a reliable recognition rate. This task faces challenges due to occlusions (e.g. apparent on i-LIDS data set) and illumination variation (common in most of them). On the other hand, background and foreground segmentation in order to distinguish person’s body is challenging…… Continue reading Person Re-ID Datasets

Video Action Recognition Datasets

Video Action Understanding: Tasks Different tasks of video action understanding Action Recognition (AR) is the process of classifying a complete input (either an entire video or a specified segment) by the action occurring in the input.Action Prediction (AP) is the process of classifying an incomplete input by the action yet to be observed.Temporal Action Proposal…… Continue reading Video Action Recognition Datasets

Image Colorization Datasets

The datasets available for evaluation are the most commonly used ones in the literature for other tasks such as detection, classification, segmentation etc. Where the images are first converted to grayscale, and then apply colorization models to analyze its performance. COCO-Stuff COCO-stuff dataset: The Common Objects in COntext-stuff (COCO-stuff) is constructed by annotating the original…… Continue reading Image Colorization Datasets