Top Cited Papers: CVPR 2007

Curated Papers:

Learning to Detect A Salient Object

We study visual attention by detecting a salient object in an input image. We formulate salient object detection as an image segmentation problem, where we separate the salient object from the image background. We propose a set of novel features including multi-scale contrast, center-surround histogram, and color spatial distribution to describe a salient object locally, regionally, and globally. A conditional random field is learned to effectively combine these features for salient object detection. We also constructed a large image database containing tens of thousands of carefully labeled images by multiple users. To our knowledge, it is the first large image database for quantitative evaluation of visual attention algorithms. We validate our approach on this image database, which is public available with this paper.

Saliency Detection: A Spectral Residual Approach

The ability of human visual system to detect visual saliency is extraordinarily fast and reliable. However, computational modeling of this basic intelligent behavior still remains a challenge. This paper presents a simple method for the visual saliency detection. Our model is independent of features, categories, or other forms of prior knowledge of the objects. By analyzing the log-spectrum of an input image, we extract the spectral residual of an image in spectral domain, and propose a fast method to construct the corresponding saliency map in spatial domain. We test this model on both natural pictures and artificial images such as psychological patterns. The result indicate fast and robust saliency detection of our method.

Hierarchical Matching of Deformable Shapes

We describe a new hierarchical representation for two-dimensional objects that captures shape information at multiple levels of resolution. This representation is based on a hierarchical description of an object’s boundary and can be used in an elastic matching framework, both for comparing pairs of objects and for detecting objects in cluttered images. In contrast to classical elastic models, our representation explicitly captures global shape information. This leads to richer geometric models and more accurate recognition results. Our experiments demonstrate classification results that are significantly better than the current state-of-the-art in several shape datasets. We also show initial experiments in matching shapes to cluttered images.

Learning Local Image Descriptors

In this paper we study interest point descriptors for image matching and 3D reconstruction. We examine the building blocks of descriptor algorithms and evaluate numerous combinations of components. Various published descriptors such as SIFT, GLOH, and Spin images can be cast into our framework. For each candidate algorithm we learn good choices for parameters using a training set consisting of patches from a multi-image 3D reconstruction where accurate ground-truth matches are known. The best descriptors were those with log polar histogramming regions and feature vectors constructed from rectified outputs of steerable quadrature filters. At a 95% detection rate these gave one third of the incorrect matches produced by SIFT.

Semantic Hierarchies for Visual Object Recognition

In this paper we propose to use lexical semantic networks to extend the state-of-the-art object recognition techniques. We use the semantics of image labels to integrate prior knowledge about inter-class relationships into the visual appearance learning. We show how to build and train a semantic hierarchy of discriminative classifiers and how to use it to perform object detection. We evaluate how our approach influences the classification accuracy and speed on the Pascal VOC challenge 2006 dataset, a set of challenging real-world images. We also demonstrate additional features that become available to object recognition due to the extension with semantic inference tools- we can classify high-level categories, such as animals, and we can train part detectors, for example a window detector, by pure inference in the semantic network.

Full List:

  1. Saliency Detection: A Spectral Residual Approach Xiaodi Hou;Liqing Zhang Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (1811) | Patents (7)
  2. Object retrieval with large vocabularies and fast spatial matching James Philbin;Ondrej Chum;Michael Isard;Josef Sivic;Andrew Zisserman Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (1535) | Patents (55)
  3. Fisher Kernels on Visual Vocabularies for Image Categorization Florent Perronnin;Christopher Dance Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (796) | Patents (57)
  4. Learning to Detect A Salient Object Tie Liu;Jian Sun;Nan-Ning Zheng;Xiaoou Tang;Heung-Yeung Shum Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (633) | Patents (9)
  5. Matching Local Self-Similarities across Images and Videos Eli Shechtman;Michal Irani Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (578) | Patents (11)
  6. Evaluation of Cost Functions for Stereo Matching Heiko Hirschmuller;Daniel Scharstein Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (560) | Patents (19)
  7. Learning Conditional Random Fields for Stereo Daniel Scharstein;Chris Pal Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (431) | Patents (7)
  8. Implicit Active Contours Driven by Local Binary Fitting Energy Chunming Li;Chiu-Yen Kao;John C. Gore;Zhaohua Ding Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 7 Cited by: Papers (426) | Patents (1)
  9. Spatial-Depth Super Resolution for Range Images Qingxiong Yang;Ruigang Yang;James Davis;David Nister Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (424) | Patents (31)
  10. Unsupervised Learning of Invariant Feature Hierarchies with Applications to Object Recognition Marc’Aurelio Ranzato;Fu Jie Huang;Y-Lan Boureau;Yann LeCun Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (401) | Patents (17)
  11. City-Scale Location Recognition Grant Schindler;Matthew Brown;Richard Szeliski Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 7 Cited by: Papers (383) | Patents (45)
  12. A Benchmark for the Comparison of 3-D Motion Segmentation Algorithms Roberto Tron;Rene Vidal Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (367)
  13. A Lagrangian Particle Dynamics Approach for Crowd Flow Segmentation and Stability Analysis Saad Ali;Mubarak Shah Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 6 Cited by: Papers (325)
  14. Detecting Pedestrians by Learning Shapelet Features Payam Sabzmeydani;Greg Mori Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (316) | Patents (2)
  15. Unsupervised Activity Perception by Hierarchical Bayesian Models Xiaogang Wang;Xiaoxu Ma;Eric Grimson Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (296) | Patents (1)
  16. Human Detection via Classification on Riemannian Manifolds Oncel Tuzel;Fatih Porikli;Peter Meer Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (285) | Patents (7)
  17. Image Segmentation by Probabilistic Bottom-Up Aggregation and Cue Integration Sharon Alpert;Meirav Galun;Ronen Basri;Achi Brandt Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (276)
  18. Optimizing Binary MRFs via Extended Roof Duality Carsten Rother;Vladimir Kolmogorov;Victor Lempitsky;Martin Szummer Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (263) | Patents (5)
  19. A Hierarchical Model of Shape and Appearance for Human Action Classification Juan Carlos Niebles;Li Fei-Fei Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (258) | Patents (14)
  20. Optimal Step Nonrigid ICP Algorithms for Surface Registration Brian Amberg;Sami Romdhani;Thomas Vetter Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (254) | Patents (15)
  21. Single View Human Action Recognition using Key Pose Matching and Viterbi Path Searching Fengjun Lv;Ramakant Nevatia Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (254) | Patents (12)
  22. Fast Keypoint Recognition in Ten Lines of Code Mustafa Ozuysal;Pascal Fua;Vincent Lepetit Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (226) | Patents (29)
  23. Optimized Color Sampling for Robust Matting Jue Wang;Michael F. Cohen Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (223) | Patents (13)
  24. Learning a Spatially Smooth Subspace for Face Recognition Deng Cai;Xiaofei He;Yuxiao Hu;Jiawei Han;Thomas Huang Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 7 Cited by: Papers (208) | Patents (5)
  25. Hierarchical Matching of Deformable Shapes Pedro F. Felzenszwalb;Joshua D. Schwartz Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (207) | Patents (1)
  26. Latent-Dynamic Discriminative Models for Continuous Gesture Recognition Louis-Philippe Morency;Ariadna Quattoni;Trevor Darrell Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (193) | Patents (1)
  27. A Linear Programming Approach for Multiple Object Tracking Hao Jiang;Sidney Fels;James J. Little Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (189) | Patents (2)
  28. Single Image Motion Deblurring Using Transparency Jiaya Jia Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (189) | Patents (1)
  29. Learning Local Image Descriptors Simon A. J. Winder;Matthew Brown Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (188) | Patents (52)
  30. Accurate, Dense, and Robust Multi-View Stereopsis Yasutaka Furukawa;Jean Ponce Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (181) | Patents (3)
  31. Trace Ratio vs. Ratio Trace for Dimensionality Reduction Huan Wang;Shuicheng Yan;Dong Xu;Xiaoou Tang;Thomas Huang Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (178) | Patents (4)
  32. Multi-Layer Background Subtraction Based on Color and Texture Jian Yao;Jean-Marc Odobez Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (175)
  33. Dynamic 3D Scene Analysis from a Moving Vehicle Bastian Leibe;Nico Cornelis;Kurt Cornelis;Luc Van Gool Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (172) | Patents (8)
  34. What makes a good model of natural images? Yair Weiss;William T. Freeman Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (168) | Patents (3)
  35. An Exemplar Model for Learning Object Classes Ondrej Chum;Andrew Zisserman Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (166)
  36. Tensor Canonical Correlation Analysis for Action Classification Tae-Kyun Kim;Shu-Fai Wong;Roberto Cipolla Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (162)
  37. Semantic Hierarchies for Visual Object Recognition Marcin Marszalek;Cordelia Schmid Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 7 Cited by: Papers (160) | Patents (28)
  38. Soft Edge Smoothness Prior for Alpha Channel Super Resolution Shengyang Dai;Mei Han;Wei Xu;Ying Wu;Yihong Gong Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (160) | Patents (10)
  39. Real-Time Plane-Sweeping Stereo with Multiple Sweeping Directions David Gallup;Jan-Michael Frahm;Philippos Mordohai;Qingxiong Yang;Marc Pollefeys Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (159) | Patents (8)
  40. Discovery of Collocation Patterns: from Visual Words to Visual Phrases Junsong Yuan;Ying Wu;Ming Yang Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (156) | Patents (10)
  41. Robust Rotation and Translation Estimation in Multiview Reconstruction Daniel Martinec;Tomas Pajdla Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (154) | Patents (6)
  42. Fast 3D Scanning with Automatic Motion Compensation Thibaut Weise;Bastian Leibe;Luc Van Gool Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (142) | Patents (15)
  43. Detailed Human Shape and Pose from Images Alexandru O. Balan;Leonid Sigal;Michael J. Black;James E. Davis;Horst W. Haussecker Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (141) | Patents (9)
  44. Objects in Action: An Approach for Combining Action Understanding and Object Perception Abhinav Gupta;Larry S. Davis Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (138)
  45. Feature Mining for Image Classification Piotr Dollar;Zhuowen Tu;Hai Tao;Serge Belongie Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (134) | Patents (2)
  46. Maximally Stable Colour Regions for Recognition and Matching Per-Erik Forssen Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (130) | Patents (4)
  47. A contextual dissimilarity measure for accurate and efficient image search Herve Jegou;Hedi Harzallah;Cordelia Schmid Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (126) | Patents (7)
  48. Image Classification with Segmentation Graph Kernels Zaid Harchaoui;Francis Bach Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (126)
  49. Region Classification with Markov Field Aspect Models Jakob Verbeek;Bill Triggs Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (124) | Patents (1)
  50. P3 & Beyond: Solving Energies with Higher Order Cliques Pushmeet Kohli;M. Pawan Kumar;Philip H. S. Torr Publication Year: 2007,Page(s):1 – 8 Cited by: Papers (122) | Patents (1)

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